A Crisis In Command

by Jerome Pearson

January 8, 2021

Back in the 1980s and early 90s, the Republican Party made a big deal about “character” and why character matters.  They did this with the support of many from the evangelical community. They felt that now that the 60s were over and Vietnam protests had all but disappeared, they now had the upper hand. Everything was now about God, Country, and Ronald Reagan. 

When Bill Clinton was running for the presidency, they made a big deal about his alleged affairs and the fact that he had not served in the military. They were able to do this despite the fact that most of them had not served either. I know this because during those days I was in the Military and I always found it interesting that so many in the conservative movement were making so much about patriotism when their level of commitment was mush less than my own. And many in the evangelical community back then, (Swaggart, Baker -Tammy and Jim- and that Ilk) proved to be more deviant than anyone I had ever met in my life.

Fast forward to nearly 30 years later, they were perfectly fine with Donald J. Trump.  We don’t even need to enumerate the long list of things this con had done (everyone knows even if they choose to deny it), but all of that high falutin demagoguery from the 80s and 90s no longer mattered.  A family man like the previous President Obama had not met their righteous standards, but a thrice married, multi-affairs having, numerous allegations, grabbing them by the P, Donald Trump was perfectly acceptable. 

Their excuse for 45 was that he was spoke to their issues and that “he was who he was.”  Well, aren’t we all “who we are?” The question should not be whether “we are who we are”, but rather whether “who we are is representative of acceptable behavior.” Most could never answer that. Instead, they would refrain, “let Trump be Trump!”

Well, for the past 4 years Trump was allowed to be Trump, and I could see nothing admirable about that! And in the last two months since the election his behavior became worse.

And now this week, I dare anyone tell me that what we have witnessed was in anyway acceptable behavior for any human being, let alone for the leader of the Free World.   

Throughout his presidency, 45’s behavior was of a kind that would never be tolerated in any company I have ever worked for, including the military. Imagine re-tweeting something terrible to your colleagues, and your excuse to HR being: “I didn’t write it, I just retweeted it!” Such an excuse would come from the mouth of 45 on numerous occasions, and that was perfectly fine with some. These same people knew they could never do such thing in their own jobs.  When your leader’s behavior is allowed to be less than what is required of the average citizen, then that is a big problem.

This week 45’s behavior was definitely worse than the average citizen. Not only was it worse, but because he had the power of persuasion, it was also motivation for others to be equally as bad. Go ahead and set that house on fire and “I will be there with you?” If not with you, then I will at least grab a bag popcorn and a coke and watch it from the Whitehouse.  And once you are done, I will praise you and tell you that I love you and how special you are for doing it!

I agree with the concept of character. I do think that character matters. But I think it has to be genuine and honest character and not the pretense of character.

All too often people conflate declaration with actuality! And some use Religion only as a cloak to hide the ambiguity of their pretension. They give themselves a label of being “such and such” and having “such beliefs”, which are not always exemplified in their actions.

“Saying” is different from “being!” You can say one thing, but actually be something else.

45 has talked so much about loving this country and its history!

But he encouraged his supporter to breach the Capitol and do whatever they felt like doing!

In addition to interrupting our democracy, they also contributed to the loss of lives!

What happened this week has only confirmed who 45 truly is!

We don’t need to hear otherwise!

His actions have spoken for themselves!

And that is a fact!