When I was six years old my mind became jolted by an incident
that I have never forgotten!
It was on a late Friday afternoon when I saw the little
pistol that would later be used in a murder!
The pistol had a pearly white handle, and a silver snub-nose
barrel. I thought it was cute, as I
stood admiring it from a short distance.
I saw a young man who everyone referred to a “Boogie” and an
older man referred to as “Brown”. They had come by our house and later decided
to step out back to smoke a cigarette. I saw them because I was playing in a
wood-pile out back.
Apparently, Boogie had just bought the gun, and was showing
it to Brown; the man who drove him to our house. I saw Brown looking at the gun, and then
feeling it, turning it over in his hand, and admiring it. He gave the gun back to “Boogie” which Boogie
then placed back into his pants pocket.
Boogie would later kill Brown with that same gun within a
few hours. Brown was able to see and admire the very weapon that would be used
against him only a few hours later. He
could see his fate, even if he did not know it!
But before Boogie killed Brown, they went back inside and
continued to drink. During much of this time I had gone to bed. Over the next couple of hours, Boogie
apparently became drunk and argumentative. My mother then asked Boogie to
leave, which he did, but when he went outside, he decided to fire a bullet
through our living room window. I must have been sound asleep because I heard
neither a gunshot nor the commotion that I am sure ensued following that shot. Luckily, no one was hit during that incident.
However, the next morning, Saturday, I learned that the
young man had killed the older man during the previous night, sometime after
leaving our house. I immediately
recalled that I had seen the gun, the victim and the shooter less than 24 hours
before. Apparently, they argued as Brown
drove Boogie a few miles away into the heart of Davis Station. There were several houses in the immediate
area where they would also visit.
Before they left the town of Davis Station, their argument must
have escalated, which resulted in Boogie shooting Brown with the same gun he
had proudly shown him only hours earlier. Brown would later die because of his
gunshot wounds.
This was, perhaps, my first realization of the tenuousness
of life; the fact that two men joking around no further than 20 feet away from
where I was playing would, within a matter a few hours, turn tragic. Obviously,
this is an incident which has lived with me forever, since I was able to write
about it more than 40 years later!
The local Sheriff’s Department was not interested in any
kind of serious an investigation. The
issue was not worth investigating. In
the eyes of the law, it was just one Black man killing another Black man.
A few days later one of Brown’s sons came by our house! I guess he was trying to do his own little
investigation. He had apparently heard
that the two men had been at our house sometime earlier that evening. My mother
gave him what little information she had.
After all, although she was not responsible, she felt terrible about
what had happened. Brown’s son was polite and did not make any
I am reminded of short story by the writer Richard Wright, titled
“The Man Who Was Almost a Man”. The
story is set during the depression era when an innocent young man saw a shot-gun
in a Sears and Roebuck Catalog. His
family lived on a farm and they were sharecroppers. He convinced his parents to allow him to work
and save up enough money to buy the gun.
His parents did not want him to have a gun, but he cried and cried and
finally convinced them. He claimed that
he would only use the gun for hunting. After
saving enough money and he could purchase the gun and bring it home. He was so
excited with his new toy! His early morning chores included taking the mules
out to pasture so that they could graze.
On the first day after buying the gun, he got up early to begin his
chores. Unbeknownst to his parents, he got
up earlier than he needed to because he wanted to play with his gun and
practice while the mules were grazing. His plan was to shoot in a direction
away from the mules, but he was not used to the recoil. Finally, there was blast from the gun! BOOM! Before
the young man realized what had happened, one of the mules was lying on the
ground with a bullet-hole in its side. The young man tried to plug the hole
with dirt, but it was too late. He therefore had to run away because the mule belongs
to the white man for whom they share-cropped.
Boogie was like that young man, although perhaps not as
innocent as the young man in Richard Wright’s story. Boggie bought the gun, not because he was
under any kind of threat; he bought it because it made him feel good. He was a man who was only “almost” a man. He
became drunk, and what might have resulted in a normal fist fight, now with a
gun, resulted in the loss of two lives.
During the upcoming years, I would often see Boogie as he
worked on a chain-gang. The chain-gang
consists of a group of prisoners chained together to perform menial or
physically challenging labor, such as chipping stone or cutting grass, usually
along state highways or railroad tracks.
They were monitored by guards with high powered rifles and could not
escape without being shot; they were chained the entire time. Each time I saw
him I would reflect on that fateful Friday evening that occurred years earlier.
I would look into his eyes, and I would wonder if he remembered me seeing him
with the gun that led to his current predicament. I don’t think so! To him, I was just another kid observing them
cut grass. He would not have realized that he taught me a valuable lesson.
About ten years later, a friend of mine told me that he and
his family were driving past this little store near the town of Jordan when
they saw a crowd of people standing in the yard around a man who lying on the
ground. My friend told me that he later
heard that the man’s name was Boogie Johnson; apparently someone had just
killed him. I told my friend that “I
know of a Boogie Johnson; he had not long left prison for a killing he did
years earlier!”
Perhaps the prominent saying is true:
What goes around comes around.
Wow! I was able to
see this very true story from its beginning to its inevitable conclusion!
[At end of Sunday school, Rev. Gibson asks Brother Dow and Sister Dingle to receive the offering. Brother Dow and sister Dingle are now standing in front of the collection table, facing the congregation. Brother Dow pulls out a wrinkled dollar bill and is waving it before the congregation as he lays it down on the table]
Brother Dow: “Now we want y’all to come on up so we can git enough money for the lite bill. I done put down my dollar and Sister Dingle done put down her dollar. We know dere is money out there with all these fine “kuars” we see running up and down these roads. Come on Brother Dixon, you got a brand new “kuar” so I know you got plenty of money.”
[Congregation laughs. Brother Dixon is a very thin, dark chocolate colored man, with his hair in a “process” walks towards the table and pulls a five dollar bill from his wallet. He then places the bill back into his wallet and pulls out five single dollar bills for more affect. He lays the money on the table as Rev. Gipson says “bless you Brother Dixon. We need more people like Brother Dixon, Cadillac and all.” The Church starts to laugh]
Brother Dow continues: “You got to have an open hand to git inta heaven. If you keeps your hands closed, nothin kin git in, and nothin kin git out!” God only gives his blessing to those wit opened hands. I member one time back I needed ta pay a bill. But I give this fella my last 5 dollars cause he needed food. Next thing ya know, the Government sent me a refund check for 145.00 dollars. See, open hands will git that for ya!.
SisterDingle: “We would like to thank the church very kindly for ninety-six dollars and twenty-one cents. Record that in the books now Sister James, so we can a have a record of this collection.” [Brother Dow and Sister Dingle return to their seats]
Devotional Service Devotional Services is being led by Sister Janie Walker and Deacon Willie Johnson today. Sister Walker and Willie Johnson are standing in the front of the congregation.
Deacon Johnson [Deacon Johnson starts the devotional services with a hymn]. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see”. [After starting the hymn way out of tune, the church begins to join in, which made the song somewhat more tolerable. After the hymn, Sister Walker and Deacon Johnson both kneel as Sister Walker leads the church in prayer].
Sister Walker
(Sister Walker begins the devotional prayer) “I just wanna say, thank you Jesus! You been so good to me! You been better to me than I been to my own self. And I want you to know that I come before you today as your lowly umble servant. Yes Lord, yes Jesus! I ain’t in the best of health, but you promise that you would walk wit me if I take that first step, my Lord. And I want you to know today, that I am taking that first step, because you said if I take one step, you will take two, my Lord! And I want you to always walk wit me. Walk with this church my Lord. I want you to bless each and every member of this church today Lord. Cause we all need you by our sides. And don’t only bless us, my Lord. I want you bless those who could not make it here this morning my Lord. Some wanted to make it, but they wasn’t in the best health. But we pray for them as they lay on their sick bed, my Lord. I want you to bless those that are out in the streets. Bless those who have yet to see fit to trust in you,
my Lord. Bless them so that they, too, can see the light. I want you to bless that man who is about turn a bottle of that stuff up to his mouth, my Lord. I even want you to bless those who be selling them that stuff, my lord. I want you to bless that young gal who about stick a needle in her arm, my Lord. I want you bless those who laid up wit someone who aint they husband or they wife my lord. I want you to bless those who can’t tell if theys man or woman, my Lord. Because I know you love the “saved” and the “sinner” alike, my Lord. Lord, we know you are a mighty good Lord. You have mercy on us when we don’t have mercy on ourselves, my lord. I want you to bless my brother, my lord. He been locked up for a mighty long time, my Lord. I want you to enter those prison gates, my Lord. I want you to see fit to shine your light on him, Lord Jesus. He is very good person, my Lord. A very good person who just got caught up with the wrong crowd, my Lord. I want you to bless Sister House baby boy, my lord. He over there in that Ah Rack, my lord! We pray that you bring’em home safe from that war, my Lord. Bring all of we young mans from over there in that Ah Rack.
We ask you to continue to feed the hungry, my lord. Many ain’t got nothing to eat. I know you know how to feed a “multitude” with just one Fish, my Lord.
Continue to walk with us Lord Jesus as we continue to walk on this lonesome journey! We ask you for these, and many more, in the name of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, amen!
Lets all say amen (Church says Amen in unison)
Reverend Gibson has now stood up, and asks the choir for a song before he starts to bless them with God’s word. The choir starts: “A Beautiful Life”
A Beautiful Life:
Each day I’ll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need; My life on earth is but a span, And I will do the best I can.
Life’s Evening sun is sinking low, A few more days and I must go To meet the deeds that I have done Where there will be no setting sun
To be a child of God each day, My light must shine along the way; I’ll sing His praise while ages roll And strive to help some troubled soul.
The only life that will endure, Is one that’s kind and good and pure; And so for God I’ll take my stand, Each day I’ll lend a helping hand.
I’ll help someone in time of need, And journey on with rapid speed; I help the sick and poor and weak, And words of kindness to them I speak.
While going down life’s weary road, I’ll try to lift some traveler’s load; I’ll try to turn the night to day, Make flowers bloom along the way.
Rev. Gibson: “Our message today is dealing wit “faith”. The Subject of our message today comes from Hebrews 11:6. In the Bible, Paul says FAITH is the “substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen”, and I say it again “the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen.”
“Can I get amen? [Church says “amen”] Sometimes, there’s things out there we just caint see. Jus because you caint see it, don’t mean it ain’t there. We have to learn to see things through God’s eyes, and not our human eye.
How many of you out there knows peoples who say they believe in God, but they don’t have an ounce of faith in they bones?” They don’t have enough faith to trust in the Lord. They try to take things in they own hands, yet they wanna come up in here and say they got faith.
[Church says “preach it now!” people begin to turn, and looking over their shoulders to see if they could recognize those who don’t have faith.]
“Now we got folks out there who wanna go to heaven but doubt God. They be driving around in these fancy automobiles and they know ain’t no Cadillac can git you inta heaven. They know it, but yet sometimes on Saturday afternoons I be sitting on my porch and I see all these fine “kuars” just driving past with some of our chutch members. And I know Leroy, you got yourself a “fine” Coupe de Ville, and ain’t nothing wrong wit that by itself. We all love fine kuars!” But, aint’ gon be no Cadillac in heaven! And that Cadillac can’t save your soul!
“Yet on Sunday mornings, yall be coming up in this chutch like ya1l some kind of angel. But you can fool we members, but you can’t fool God!”
[Amen, “sho can’t Rev”, coming from lady with big yellow hat sitting on the front row].
“I don’t care how you try to fool the Lord, I’ma tell ya, he can’t be fooled. You think you be playing cards with God, but he done already “seed” your hand. Ain’t no need in you trying ta hide yo cards cause God done already know the entire deck. [“Yes he has Rev! Preach it now, bring it on home to um now] Cause the Lord knows the ones who have faith and the ones who don’t. Can I git amen? [Church says “Amen, Rev]”
“Now, I wanna talk about all these young girls gitting pregnant, just because they don’t have faith that they bodies is the temple of the Lord. And they have these “no count, good for nothing” boys gitting them pregnant, and defiling the temple of the Lord. [Yes they is now Rev, coming from Sister Hattie Mae]. I b’lieve if they had more faith, then they would have the strength of mind to resist temptation like we did when we was youngins. “Can I have amen?” [Church says “amen”].
I want yall to know that teaching starts in the home. We parents must teach our youngins right from wrong. If you mothers don’t teach your girl children, they gon come home one day and tell you something you ain’t gon wanna hear, can I get an amen? And if you daddys don’t teach your little boys right from wrong, they gon be havin they own family fore theys grown. Proverbs say “Train a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it”.
“It ain’t gon be long fore the Lord returns. He says no man knows the night or the day which he will return. He gon come like a thief in the night. Mark: 13 says “but on the day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son but only the Father.”
But I want yall to know, that’s gon be a GREAT day! So, ya1l better get your houses in order, huh! I say “get your house in order, huh! You might be sitting at yo kitchen table, and one day you gon realize that it gitting dark while you eating yo breakfast. And you gonna ask yourself, “ is this the day, I say is this the day?” and then you gonna realize, that you ain’t give yo life to God, and it gon be too late, because I want ya1l to know, that’s gon be a great day, that gon be a great day. And it gon be too late for your soul. Can I have Amen? I say can I have amen?
“But as for me, my house is done in order. I’m gonna do like Isaiah said to Hezekiah, “Set thine house in order, so sayeth the lord”. I’m ready for the Lord whenever he comes. I don’t care what time a day, I gon be ready, huh! I gave my life to Jesus many years ago, and ever since that time, I been walkin in his footsteps. I been walkin for so long that my brogans bout to wear out. But whenever my shoes start to coming apart, and I think I caint wear dem no mo, the Lord gives me a new pair; they may not be fancy, but they carry me in the steps of the lord. Because you know Jesus didn’t wear no fancy shoes.
[“He sho didn’t, he be wearin sandals! Coming from a lady in the back of the church].
“Cause he says he want me to continue on this journey, I cain’t stop now. And I’m gon be ready. Cause that gon be a great day, can I get a amen!
[Church in unison says “Amen”, preach it now!]
And he gon have me sitting with my white robe on his right hand side. And some of yall gonna be wishing that you had done like I done. When I was 12 years old, I was baptized in the river of Jordan, in my white robe. And some of yall, I say again, some of yall, gon be sittin on his left hand side, and you gon be wondering what went wrong, but it gon be too late. So I say to you today, git your house in order, fore it be too late! Too late, I say too late, yes Lord, yes Jesus!
[When the preaching is done, Reverend Gibson leads the church in a song himself, “River of Jordan, dark and cold, chilled my body, but not my soul”. [And then the church really begins to rock. Older women begin that rhythmic clapping that you can only find in a Black Church; it is so spontaneous, it could almost be Jazz.]
Testimony [After preaching testimonial services began for those who wished to testify]
Rutha Mae: I don’t normally stand up and speak in church because I am a chile of God. But I just wanna ask this Church to pray for me. Like the rest of yall, I sins too. I aint always been faithful to my husband, and he ain’t always been faithful to me!
[About this time Reverend Gibson was beginning to feel a pit in his stomach. He was hoping she would not bring up that night about ten years ago, when he let his guards down, and kind of slipped up. He had only gone over there to offer spiritual guidance to a troubled soul, and things just got out of hands]
After wiping tears, Rutha Mae continues: But me and my husband are trying to make it. He ain’t been coming to church, but he is a good man, so I want yall to pray for him, too. There be peoples out there who be trying tempt him every day. And I just pray he don’t fall for those temptations. I just want yall to pray for me and pray for him, and pray that he is able to fight his demons and those serpents. (Amen!) And some of them Serpents be right up in here, but it aint for me ta judge, cause we all sins. But just pray for me and my husband.
[Meanwhile, Estelle, sitting on the back row sporting a hot yellow dress with a big white hat, was smirking, thinking, “she don’t know that I got her man wrapped round my finger like she got that girdle wrapped around her gut! I know she my cousin and all, but her man had knowd me in that special way first, and she aint never gon know him like I knows him. He was my man first, but my uncle had to pull a “shot-gun” on him after she
pulled that trick on him way back then; but every body know he wanted me all along, so that what she gits!]
Julia Mae
I just want yall to pray for me too. If you pray for me, I will pray for you. Life is ruff. I am struggling, but I want yall to know today that I gon continue to follow the Word of God. Nobody knows the troubles I seen, and what I been through. But if God’s willing, I am going to meet him in his Kingdom. Just pray for me!
Elijah I know I aint been coming to church like I should. But I am here today. And I just want to ask for Gods forgiveness. I am fighten my demons, and I know I’um still a sinner. I takes my “taste” every now and then. It ain’t been easy. Sometimes I takes a little taste to soothe my soul and I know I should only be drinking from the cup of the Lord. But like Julia said, life is ruff sometimes, and sometimes those serpents be coming yo way, and you try to dodge them, but you can’t. There been many a day I didn’t just eat one fruit from that forbidden tree, there been times I even climbed up in that tree, and tries eat everything I see on it. There been many a tree where I ate all those fruits, and I know Satan just be laughing at me.
[The church begins a subdued laughter, Rev Gibson then says, “That’s all right brother, God still loves you] Elijah continues: But as I promised my mother when she been on her death bed, I gon git my life together. And I just want yall to pray for me, if one of you ever sees me trying to climb that tree again, I pray that you pull me back down, or better yet, cut down that tree and burn it because Satan had done already had his way with me, but God is gon put a stop to that, amen! [Amen brother, you just keep on keeping on]
I even had me little taste fore I come hear this morning, but I said to myself, that I was still coming, and so I climbed down from that tree with all of them fruits, and I gon leave the Devil right up there by his self. I jus want yall to pray for me, and help me not to climb back up there soon as I leave this church, cause Satan always be tempting me with all them fruits like he was tempting Eve way back yonder. (Amen!) [Reverend Gibson says: “Church, let us all pray for Brother Elijah. And let him know that we all God’s children, and God aint’t let his children walk alone]
[At the end of services, Rev. Gipson and his wife are having dinner with Sister Susan James and her husband Brother Bill James]
Sister James: “That sho was a beautiful sermon you preached this morning Reverend Gibson. [The Rev was just pulling his third piece of fried chicken-breast onto his plate].
ReverendGibson: “Yeah Sister James, I just tries to tell um lack it is. Cause I believe whats gon keep a many of our members from gwine ta Heaven is that they don’t have faith.” [“Amen” responds Brother James]
Brother James: “I b’lieve we gon have many of our folks burning in hell wit the way they be sinning now days. Sometimes I just don’t know what ta say, wit all dese yung teenages just up and gitting pregnant. When we was coming up you ain’t never see neary teenages gitting pregnant fore theys married.”
Sister James: “Come on now Bill, you member your own sister Betty went through the same thing now. I ain’t mean to bring up no dirty laundry, but that goes to sho that we all sins and falls short of the glory.”
Sister Gipson: “Amen Sister James, you sho is right, now. We have to learn to be umble fore the Lord. Because God is done died for all our sins and we just needs to ask for forgiveness. He died on that cross for the “save” and for the “sinner” alike now. “
Rev. Gibson: “Year Shirley, he done forgive us for our sins, but that don’t mean we can just go out there and sin up a storm. Otherwise, what used in him bearing the cross in the first place? Now the lord knows each one us harts, and he gon judge you on that, but he judge you on your actions, too. The road ta hell is paves with many who had good intensions. These youngins needs to start to r’pent, if they know what I know.” [About this time, he reaches for a thigh and another helping of mashed potatoes]
[The following Saturday, Brother James and Brother Leroy Johnson, and Brother Willie Bennett are playing cards over at Brother James’s house]
Brother Bennett: “Man, that corn liquor is hot, yahn!” “I swear ta God it’s hot. I think I a need a chaser. Brother James, how about giving me piece of that “loany” (boloney) you got over there.”
Brother James: “Go ahead, take what you want. Don’t drink too much cause you gwine ta chutch tomorrow. Cause we gon have a “time” tomorrow, we gon have a “time”. We gon git DOWN! All those fine- ass womens be up in there too!”
Brother Johnson: “Come on now Brother James, us deacons ain’t supposed to be lookin at them womens up in there. B’sides, you know good n well that Susan will whip your big black ass if she ketch you looking, deacon or no deacon!” [Brother Johnson and Brother Bennett laughs].
Brother James:
“Who you laughing at Leroy? Now you know good and well Hattie Mae don’t trust you no further than she could spit!”
Brother Bennet: “Say fellas, yawl heard about Mrs. Lulla Bell Coard’s Daughter, Mary?”
[Brother James and Brother Johnson in unison say, “No, what happened?]
Brother Bennet: “Well they say she is pregnant, and she only 15. And guess what else? Some folks gwine around saying that it is Rev. Gibson’s baby.”
Brother James: “Not our good Rev. Gibson! How they figga that?”
Brother Bennet: “You don’t know the Reverend like I know’m. Man, he is a fox in the Hen house, if ever there was one!” Man, Rev. Gipson be havin chillens all across this state. He be gwine over to peoples houses, so call ministering to them. He be ministering to them alright. He be having 5 or 6 womens at one time. I don’t kno what those womens be wanting with him, but he be “creating” more souls then he be “saving”! Take good look at Rutha Mae youngest boy; he a splitting image of Rev. Gibson. B’lieve “that” when I tell ya!
[The Next Day at Church] While the junior class is off in the corner discussing Sunday school, the senior class, those above 16 years old, is being taught Sunday school by Brother Richards {Many of
the older folks don’t show up until after Sunday school since they believe that they have learned all that they ever will learn. At this stage in their lives, they only have to remain faithful.} The junior class had most of its faithful, but as usual the majority of seniors didn’t even show up until around 1130. They felt that they had been taught all they were ever going to learn and didn’t see any need attending. Plus some of them got up so late that by the time they got through cooking that ham, eggs and biscuits and putting on those dresses and big hats, it was already 1100 am. And plus, if it was their turn, they would have to have that macaroni and fried chicken ready for Reverend Gibson later that Sunday.
Brother Richards: The subject of today’s Sunday school takes its scripture from the story of Job.
Brother Richards
What message is God trying to get across to Job?
Sister Hattie Mae
I think the lord be testing peoples! Cause he wanna see if you believe in him. Sometimes a person treat you so bad, you wanna loose your faith to get back at em. But the Lord jus be giving you these little tests to see how you come out. If you don’t trust that God would come thru for you, then that mean you doubt him. He want us to prove we believe.
Brother Richards.
That right sister Hattie Mae, any body else?
Sister James
I think he be trying tell you he may not be there when you wannum, but he always on time. Sometime we pray, and we expect God to answer right away. But sometimes he be busy doing other things, but that don’t me he aint listen to your prayer. God has a great answering machine, and if you calls him with a pure heart, he gon return your call, and you can believe that. Because I know from experience how he come when I call. I have made many long distance calls to God, and even if he aint there at time, he always calls be back.
Amen! You show is right about that, the class says in union.
Brother Richards
I think we must keep in mind that Job was one of God’s most faithful and trusted servants. Certainly God was testing him, but God already knew what Job was going to do. It is what some philosophers today call “Determinism”. Determinism is the belief that things have already been pre-determined in advance. Meaning that God knows what you are going to do even before he gives you the test. Now some people see this as a contradiction, meaning that if God already knows how we are going to behave and if it’s already pre-determined, then there is nothing we can do to change our course of action or our particular fate. And that how can we be responsible for our actions if they have already been pre-determined by God?
Brother Richards continues with, “Herein lays the mystery of “freedom of the will”. Meaning that while God certainly already knows how we will respond, he still has given us the freedom to choose. And even though he has given us that freedom, it is we who determines the particular choice, even if God knows how we will choose in advance. [Brother Richards’ smiles, but inwardly, he also wrestles with this contradiction, in that, if we are to follow this philosophy to its most infinite degree: that if God created us in such a manner that we might make the wrong choice, then is God not then responsible for
the monster that he has created? In other words, why have some creations been given the disposition to make right choices while others have not?]
After the Sunday school lesson is over, everyone returns to their seats and listen the Superintendent give a review of the lesson
Superintendent Annie Johnson:
We wanna thank Brother Richard for giving us such a wonderful lesson this morning and wanna thank the other teachers too. You know the bible say in Ephesians that it is thru faith are ye save, and not of works, lest any man should boast. I want yall to kno this morning that you got to have faith. You need to work in the church, but you got to have faith. I remember the first time I had faith. It was right across the field over there. (Everyone stared out the window trying to see the fields). And from that moment where I met my Jesus, I had faith for the rest of my life. He blessed me with a fine husband and two fine grown children.
{Meanwhile, her husband, Johnny Johnson, sat in the back wearing dark sun-glasses with a 38 Smith & Wesson pistol in his pocket, just in case if the Dingle family start some stuff up in here again, they gon kno better than to try to cuse he and his wife of stealing church money. Plus, they don’t show up til late anyway, and then think they going to be running things, mess with him, they gon have another mind coming, and you can believe that!}
(By this time Reverend Gibson and the back-up Reverend Rogers had slipped in and taken seat directly behind the podium)
So we want ta ask Reverend Gibson to come up and give a 2nd review.
Reverend Gipson:
Thank you Sister Johnson and thank all of you members and friends. I wasn’t here for most of the lesson, but what little I heard from Brother Richard, I can tell it was a fine lesson. You know we need mo young people like Brother Richard, people who willing ta work in the church. And as sister Johnson says, we must have faith first, which was the subject of my last sermon. And then after we have faith, we must begin to work. We can’t work before faith; we must have faith before work. I also want ta say that you know Brother Richard is gwine away ta college soon because he is app- headed, and we wanna wish him good luck. Aren’t too many young people out there like him and we sho gon miss him. He been teaching our children for a mighty long time, and we wish we had mo people like him, cause peoples like him don’t come by too often. He gon be away gitting all of that knowledge, and I know he gon come back here and share it with us. And I want him ta know, that he is always welcome back here. Now lets all stand and give brother Richard a standing ovation
Brother Richards
Brother Richards stood up too, smiling. In some special way, he knew he was going to miss them too. In spite of his many doubts, he enjoyed teaching Sunday school. A part of him has always wanted to be a teacher. But he was also a truth seeker. His questions were kept to himself, for he realized that the Church would never understand. To them “believing was everything”. But to him, suspending one’s beliefs in the absence of knowledge was the truest kind of faith. And he disagreed with Ephesians 2:8. That faith is more important than work. He believes that work was more important than faith. He had benefited most from those whose actions (work) spoke louder than their beliefs (faith). He has always wanted to do good things, things that helped other people. His doubts did not take away his goodness. In a very profound way, he became a better person with his doubts. If he never shared his doubts, then everyone one would think of him as a true believer, because his beliefs showed in his actions, and not of his words.
Unlike many others, who talked the talk but did not walk the walk, whose real actions, belied their true beliefs; he believed in that very simple philosophy that “actions spoke louder than words.”
After Sunday school, Devotional service is led Deacon Wright and Sister Moses.
Deacon Wright: My lord, and my God, my lord and my god! We come before you today, asking that you forgive all our sins. None of us is perfect, but only you my Lord; the rest of us are just lowly sinners who trying to walk in your foot steps. We are all tempted by that apple, just like Eve was tempted my Lord, cause we kno that apple be sweet, but it leaves a bitter taste in we mouths, my Lord! And snakes be everywhere, my Lord, trying to tempt us to eat from the f’bidden tree, my Lord. But lord we want you to come in this chutch today, and take way all those serpents, and take away all those fruits, cause we no you don’t want us eaten none of the apples, like Eve was eating those apples; you need to make us strong like Adam, and we pray you feed us your words only, and no more of that f’bidden fruit, and we gonna be faithful to you, like you been to us. You always keeps yo words, no matter what time a night, we can call on you, and you always answer our prayers;
But I want you to know today, that I gonna walk that narrow path, with yo protection, and we know you gon be watching over us, even when we think you ain’t there, you always shinning your light, as we walk down that dark road; that dark road that gon lead to heaven, where there gon be lights, light just shinning, like the stars in the sky, leading our lonesome ships across this wayward ocean, which we call earth. Yes lord, yes lord, I want to travel wit you, with a seat on yo ship, all the way down that violent river, that gon lead to that beautiful sea in the sky, where you and your father gon be waitin for those of us who believe in you, and who follows yo words.
At End of Devotional services, Sister Moses starts a song: Down on My Knees
Down on my knees, when trouble rise, I’ll talk with Jesus, beyond the skies. He promised me, He’d hear my plea, If I would tell Him, down on my knees. When days are dark & friends are few, when I don’t know, just what to do. There’s only one way, I can find ease. I’ll talk with Jesus, down on my knees. When I am sad, to Him I go, no other one, could cheer me so. Before I go, beyond death seas, I’ll thank my Jesus, down on my knees. Yes down on my knees!
Reverend Gipson
The subject of our message today comes from the book of Matthew:
Matthew 7:1-5 Does not judge or you too will be judged! From the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Mathew 18:15-7 If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you’ve gained your brother. But if will not hear you, take with you one or two or more that by the mouth of two or three every word can be established. And if he refuses to hear them, tell the church. But he refuses to hear even the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
Reverend Gibson continues: We all know that there are those out there who be spreading rumors. No matter how you tries to be a chile of God, there are always those who will try to tear you down, can I get an Amen? Bible says do not judge, lest you be judge, Amen! [Church say “Amen!” one gentlemen in the back says, ‘come wit it now! preach it!]
And the Bible also says, upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it” I want yall to know to today, we got to be like that church, and all those rumors and lies can never harm us. Because those rumors and lies can only come from the gates of Hell, and only those who are on their way to hell are spreading those rumors, and trying to tear down God’s church! But I want yall to know, as long as we believe in him, we shall never be destroyed, because we have been given the keys to the Kingdom. Can I get an amen! I say again, CAN I GET an AMEN?
[Yes you can Rev, preach it now, don’t back down! tell um lack it is] I don’t have to answer to no man, but only God. Peoples be running round, and some of them are right in this church, putting other peoples name out there! Sometimes peoples be put’en your name out in the street about things ain’t true. But my dead momma used to always tell me, “if someone puts your name out there, God knows who did it, and you just have to put yo faith in the Lord, and God gon fix it! All you have to do is just be a chile of God, and the Gates of Hell can never prevail against you.
I for one love my wife and my family. The Lord has blessed me with Shirley for more than 30 years. I aint say I am perfect, but I tries to live my life accordance to God’s will. There are some people who are too busy kicking up a mess, because they are only the instruments of the Devil. See the Devil aint’t coming down to earth looking like no devil. He gon be looking just like you and me. And he go being wearing suit or a dress just like our chutch members, can I get an Amen? His mission is to divert those of us who are “saved” from the righteous path. See, that’s how the Devil works. But all we gots to do is to keep our eyes on the prize. And the prize is one day we gone be sitting on the right hand side of the lord, and have dinner at the heavenly table.
But some of yall gon mess around and find your self down there in that heat. And while we true children of God gon be in that nice heavenly air condition, yall gon be suffering from that internal fire. And it gon be hot down there, but don’t say that Rev Gipson didn’t warn ya. In Revelations he says “The worshippers of the beast shall be tormented
with fire and brimstone” Don’t say the Bible didn’t tell you to get yo house in order. While you out there running around spreading rumors, you should be reading yo Bible, like I be reading my bible.
Now, like I said, I ain’t perfect. I too have sinned, and I have asked God for his forgiveness. And he forgives me because I am his child, and I’m on the right path for my heavenly reward, and none of you Satan gon be able to prevail against God. People tries to make me angry, and I must admit, sometimes I hear rumors, and they make me wanna get my gun, and “bust a cap.” Now there was a time, many years ago, I wouldn’t have thought twice about “busting a cap”; but, now, instead I get down own my knees, and I talks to Jesus.
But Satan is alive and well in this Church. Running round like he some kind of angel. But I want yall to kno, we know who Satan is, and we know him when we see him, and he better be careful, because God is not gon be tolerating his presence in this Church. Can I get an Amen?
[By this time members of the Church were scared straight.]
[Only Elijah replied and said “preach it Rev, that’s wha im talking about. Them serpents be right up in here. That why I don’t half show up, cause I kno where Satan be at”]
And finally, “Proverbs” tells us that “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
After the Sermon, everyone was so scared straight, that there was only one Testimony: Mary Coard who is the 15 year old pregnant daughter of Lula Belle Coard.
Mary Coard: I aint never testified before, but a spirit come over me last night. I just wanna thank the Lord for allowing me to follow in the footsteps of Mary in the Bible. I am 15 years old, and I too will have a virgin birth. My parents and the Preacher tell me that I’m anointed. They tell me that I will have a special baby, and that I was chosen to perform this task. I was having some bad dreams, and some of them included the Preacher, but momma says it was only a dream, and that I should stop lying, and that dreams are only lies, but after the Preacher came by and he was talking to my parents, and tell me that I’m special and blessed, and then I started feeling better, because they told me everything that happened was a dream, and I should feel so blessed that I am the one, and that I need to forget my dreams, and only remember good things, because all bad things are dreams, and dreams are not real, and only good things are real, but when I ask them why I was the one chosen, they tell me because I’m special, and I can never know all the reasons, and that I should never try to find the reason, because God has his plan, and his plans include me, and there will always be a place for me, at his dinner table, and that my little baby gon be special jus like me, because God has a plan for him or her, because they don’t know what my baby will be, and that does not matter, because what ever it is, it will be special, and that I should just be quiet, but I became so happy last night, that I decided to come up here today, even without my parents knowing, and share my joy with the world, and let yall know just how lucky and how joyful and blessed I truly am and how much faith I have in this church and everything that was explained to me about my dreams!
When I was a freshman in college, I
once caught a fellow student –red- handed- trying to burglarize me.
When I walked into my dormitory
room, the first thing that I saw was this guy sitting on my bed with my pillow
case, from which extended one sleeve of my leather jacket. I had seen this guy in my room before, but he
was always with my two college roommates who were two dead-beat pot-heads from
a town called Hollywood, Florida.
When we arrived at Texas College
as freshmen in late August of 1976, we were told that there were three students
in each room. However, there were four
of us from my high school, Scott’s Branch: John Green, Clarence Hilton, Ronald
Nelson, and myself. I quickly volunteered
to be the “odd” man out because I wanted us to stick together, and for some
reason I felt a need to make the sacrifice, which required that I room with two
other students that I had just met. This
was an unusual and perhaps extremely unselfish act on my part because I was,
after all, the smallest among our group, who might have been expected to be the
main one who should not be isolated.
However, be that as it may, the room in which I would be residing was
actually right next door to the room of my friends, and I knew I would probably
be spending more time in their room than my own.
I was depressed on my first day
arriving at Texas
College because after
dreaming of living away from home for the first time, I realized that I was not
happy with where I had arrived. In many
families, before a college is selected, students, along with their parents, may
visit several schools before even making a selection. Our first opportunity to see Texas College
was just only one day before registration.
After experiencing perhaps my
most fun summer ever, I realized that this wonderful summer had now culminated
with Texas College. After having been so high, I had now fallen
so low.
As soon as I unpacked, I went to a
window and began looking towards the hills that surround Tyler,
Texas, vainly wishing that I could see South Carolina somewhere
in the far horizon. It was only later
that I realized that I was actually looking “West” rather than “East”, and that
I had a greater chance of seeing Houston than I did Columbia. Texas
College certainly proved
that the “grass is not always greener” on the other side.
My two roommates were from Florida, and although
friendly, they had no interest in college.
My roommates shared the bunk bed, and I had the single bed next to the
window. I was happy to be near the
window because it put me at a greater distance from them, and also because I
would be able to allow the marijuana smoke that would later be enveloping our room to escape before getting too high
myself. Mind you, this “high” would
have come, not because I would part take
– because I didn’t – but when in a room
that is enveloped with smoke, one cannot help but be affected, if only
incidentally. I must admit that I did
sleep well that first night, and this beautiful somnolence was not due solely
to the air conditioner that was suffusing a cool, moist, mist into the sultry,
hot, Texas
air but also, perhaps, due to the lingering marijuana smoke that inevitably
found its way into my innocent and unprotected nasal perimeter.
My roommates had no interest in
college, so I am not exactly certain why they chose to come. I was polite to them, and they were polite to
me, but we had nothing in common. There
would always be guys hanging out in our room, one of whom would later attempt
to burglarize me while neither my roommates nor I were present. The first question that the reader will
probably ask is how could this guy, whose was referred to as, “Peanut”, get
into our room when none of the residents were present.
The guy “Peanut” was a student who
lived off campus, and had apparently asked one of my roommates for his key one
day while they were out because he needed to relax. At around 7pm on the day in question, I was
sitting in the room next door which was the room of my South Carolina friends. I was dozing off, as the others were
studying. Suddenly, I heard closet doors
opening and closing. I had heard closet
doors opening and closing in the past, but I was never suspicious because for
some reason my keen hearing led me to believe that those were the closet doors
of one of my two roommates, but not my own.
However, on this particular day, I
sensed that it was my closet door that was sliding and not my roommates. Now, how I was able to determine this from
the room next door is beyond me! But for
some reason on this particular day, I felt a need to do a little quick
checking. I didn’t know who was in my
room, but I got up and left my SC friends room without saying a thing. I walked up to my door, and decided to slide
the key in the lock very smoothly and quickly, as if I wanted to surprise who
ever was in my room and not give them time to properly react. Therefore, I was turning the key and opening
the door simultaneously, and when I did, there was this guy “Peanut” sitting on
the edge of my bed with his head hanging down and with my pillow case stuffed
with clothing to include my new leather jacket that I purchased shortly after
arriving in Texas. Can you imagine sitting in someone else’s
room, on his bed, with his pillow case, stuff with his clothes? Well, that is precisely what I observed upon
entering my room. Not knowing whether
this individual was armed, I “played it off” and walked directly to my closet.
I could tell that things were missing. In those days, I didn’t have many clothes, so
I could quickly determine that not only was my jacket missing, but several
other items as well. And the fact that
this guy was in my room without the presence of my roommates meant that he was
attempting to burglarize me. He was
about my size, so I was an ideal candidate.
He must have looked in my closet previously when my roommates were
present, and decided that one day he would return at a convenient time to take
some of what he had seen. I knew he
must have looked at my closet because I did not go around campus wearing nice
things at all.
I quickly left my room and walked
back next door informing my friends that I was being burglarized. Clarence, John, and Ronald jumped up and as
we were walking back to my room, Peanut, was quickly walking out, empty handed,
but before he left, he had tried putting things back. My jacket was now returned to the closet, and
the pillow case lay empty on my bed. We
then went down stairs to inform the Resident Manager, who, somehow, was able to
summon Peanut to return to the dorm to discuss this problem. Meanwhile, my roommates were informed of the
situation, and they were summoned too.
Peanut was brought back to my room by the Resident’s Manager. Peanut denied that he was trying to steal
anything and that he was just sitting on the bed. The Resident Manager was not buying his story
and was asking why the heck would he be in someone else’s room when they were
not there?
Although he had returned the jacket
back to its original place, there were several pants missing. Peanut then suggested why don’t I look in a
specific drawer, which was actually a drawer used by one of my roommates and
not me. (idiot!). Sure enough, my pants
were there. Therefore, we all knew that
he could only have known that my pants would be in the incorrect drawer if he
had placed them there himself. Even my
roommates had to admit that there was no way they would be there because we had
the drawers evenly divided. The fact
they were there, and only Peanut knew they were there, meant that he placed
them there. In his haste to put things
back, he must have started stuffing things wherever he could.
My two roommates later apologized
and expressed their regrets about what had happened. However, they were obviously also responsible
because one of them gave him a key, and allowed him to enter our room
unsupervised. I don’t think that they
knew what he was planning, but it was still poor judgment on their part, and I
if I were a little less astute, no one would have known what happened. When you were as penniless as we were, losing
anything could be absolutely devastating.
The school scheduled a hearing for
two days later, and all witnesses, to include my two roommates, and my friends
from SC, were summoned to attend.
However, Peanut did not show up for the hearing. We all gave our version of the story, with
my version being the last.
When I was done, the School
Administrators thanked me because they said I had finally helped them solve a
crime that they had been trying to crack for quite some time. There had been allegations by other students
that this very same guy “Peanut” might have stolen something from them, but no
one ever caught him in the act and there was never any absolute proof. But finally, my story was so true, and had
so many witnesses that they could finally kick him out of the school.
Peanut was kicked out of school
immediately. Also, when, the midterm
grades were posted, I was also happy to learn that my two roommates had both
incurred a 0.0 grade point average. They
should have expected that because they never attended class. I was happy to see their grade point average
because it meant that I would probably not have to see them again after the end
of that semester. At the end of the
semester they were indeed sent packing back to Hollywood, Florida.
When we returned to college after
the Christmas holidays, I knew that I would have two new roommates, and I had
hoped that they would not be two more pot heads. We returned to school on a Sunday night after
New Years, and as I was opening the door of my room, there was a party going
on, music was blasting, and the room was so foggy with marijuana smoke that I
could barely see my own bed.
I dropped my luggage on the floor,
and went right back down stairs and told the Resident’s Manager that I was not
having it. Get me another room because I
was not going through another semester with a bunch of pot heads. I knew I would be leaving the school at the
end of the second semester, but I was not about to go through what I had gone
through the first semester.
This time, I was roomed with a
rather conservative guy from Houston Texas who apparently did not smoke, and another roommate
who was much older than us, but who was an absolutely psychotic nut, again from
Florida. This guy’s name was also Jerome, and while he
apparently did not smoke, he was certainly nasty as hell. He was also an epileptic and he would have
these fits that would spring from no where, and he would not be able to
remember them at all. The first time I
heard him having an epileptic fit, I did not know what it was, so I ran down
the hall to get my friends from SC to help calm him down. My other roommate had already placed a spoon
in his mouth which was supposed to keep him from biting his tongue.
This particular roommate had the
bottom bunk and I slept on the top, as our other more conservative roommate had
the single bed, which is what I would have preferred. The roommate on the bottom bunk was also a
sexual deviant who kept all kinds of lewd magazines underneath his bed and was
not shy about pleasing himself as he perused the magazines, even when others
were in the room. I was awakened earlier
one Sunday morning by this flapping sound, and I was like “what the f…!” This guy had no shame, and would only laugh
when we confronted him about it. He
would also put all of his dirty clothes in a pile in the middle of the floor,
and wash them perhaps once a month it seemed.
Any visitors to our room would immediately see this pile of dirty,
stinky clothes sitting in the middle of the floor. He was older and thought that he was smarter
than everyone else, but he never went to class either. He was always trying to impress me with his
so called “arcane” knowledge, but he wound up flunking out that semester while
I got a perfect 4.0.
I could not win for losing. Texas
College seems to attract
the “dregs of society.” It was almost as
if the recruiter went around trying to find all of the “idiots” possible, and
lure them all to Texas
College. As I hearken back to my senior year in high
school, and hearing the Guidance Counselor – Mrs. James- proudly advertising
the fact that several of us had received scholarships to Texas College,
I realized that she knew very little about where we were headed.
My friends and I would leave Texas College
at the end of the second semester. That
meant that we would have to apply to other schools and send our
transcripts. We started this process
early so that we could begin planning for our second year. We chose to remain in ROTC during the second
semester with the sole purpose of winning a ROTC scholarship which we were told
could be transferred to any school. We
had to take written and physical examinations, be interviewed by active duty
military officers about current events, and maintain excellent grades for the
remainder of the year.
Therefore, the rather unusual fact
that we, as freshman boys, were forced to take ROTC for one semester would
later prove to be one of those opportunistic blessings that could only have
been heavenly sent. Sometimes I wonder
how we would have survived the financial burdens that would later come our way
if it were not for the ROTC scholarships that we would later be awarded. It was almost as if some divine force had
propelled us to a an undesirable school; a school which had the unique, and
perhaps illegal, requirement of making freshman boys take one semester of ROTC,
something that did not exist at our high school, with the omniscient plan of
guiding us impoverish and naive young men towards a means for paying for our
We all went to the Registration
Office together to request our transcripts.
An evil old lady working in the Registration Office asked us why we were
leaving. After we told her why, she
said: “Well, every year they all say that they are leaving, but come September,
they are right back here!” Clarence
became agitated with her and said, “Lady, I will tell you what! I am going to leave you my address, and “come
September”, I want you to write me, and tell me who came back!” I almost died laughing!
Yet, I do value that one year at Texas College. We can sometimes learn valuable lessons, even
in some of the most unlikely of places.
The strange bunch of characters that I have illuminated here are only
the tip of the iceberg; I can write a book about Texas College,
and perhaps one day I will.
We left Texas College
on Thursday, May 12, 1977, and we did not come back. Ronald decided to quit college altogether,
and moved to Miami. John Green
and I went to Morgan State University
in Baltimore; Clarence Hilton went to Howard University
in Washington D. C. We used the ROTC
scholarships that we were awarded for our performance at Texas College
to pay our tuition for the remaining three years. Without missing a beat, we
all graduated 3 years later in May, 1980.
Wherever there is a “will”, there
is certainly, always a “way”!
The story is often told of a farmer who
had, on a Friday evening, gone to town to take care of some bills and to secure
another loan. Once in town, visited the
creditor from whom he had received one of his loans and who was managing his
To his disappointment, the farmer was
informed that there was no possibility of him borrowing additional money for
supplies for the upcoming year’s crops.
The creditor had already granted him several extensions which were not
being met. This delinquency was not due
to the farmer’s negligence, but rather to an apparent stroke of back luck
stemming from several seasons of bad weather that affected his crops: it was
cold when it should had been hot; hot when it should have been cold; dry when
it should have been wet, and flooding when it should have been dry.
He was a good man who served as a Deacon
in his Church, and whose only sin was that of surreptitiously sipping a bit of
corn liquor every now and again, and when convenient, looking a little too hard
and too long at the way some of the more flirtatious church women flaunted
their various attributes like forbidden fruits. It was not his fault because in
his eyes they would often wear dresses that cling to their various figures in
such a revealing fashion that, in his mind, could only have been
If it were not for these distractions,
he might even be considered a very good Christian. And he, like most men starting with Adam in
the Garden of Eden, could not help but fantasize about that which he did not
have or that which has yet to be explored.
But hey, “Let he, who is without sin, cast the first stone”.
Normally, because the town was so far
away from his home, he would stay over at a local cheap hotel, and then return
home the next morning. However, on this trip,
due to the disappointing news he received, he decided to return home on this
Friday night. What was the use in
spending more money on a hotel when he was already in debt!
On the other hand, while the farmer was
away, his wife, who always remained at home, did what she usually does when he
was away; that is to say that she entertained one or more of her lovers. She was much younger than the farmer, and
although she attended church regularly, she was not as devout as some of the
other wives, most of whom she saw as hypocrites in any case. They were jealous because of her youth and
because of the way their husbands seem unable to prevent themselves from
tripping over one another in order to be able to stand within proximity of her
presence. After church services, she
was the one person who every man wanted to wish a “good afternoon”.
She ran a tight shift with her lovers,
and when her husband was away, they were each given an appointed time to grace
her company. These lovers did not care
that they would often run into each other as they were coming or leaving,
mainly because they felt so blessed with the little time they were granted,
that it overcame whatever natural jealousy that might have arisen.
On this Friday evening, the first lover
to arrive had the unique name “Trouble”.
Trouble came in and sat down with the wife on a sofa. He was offered a beer, in which he
accepted. Their conversation centered on
trivial things, such as what kind of car Trouble was driving and how old it
was. Trouble told her that his car was
completely paid for and that there were no payments. He was so proud of himself for this rather
unusual accomplishment.
After Trouble had been there for
approximately thirty minutes, to his disappointment, there was another knock at
the Door. The wife looked out of the
window and realizes that it was another lover whose name was “Such As
That”. She immediately realized that
she had gotten her times mixed up on this evening, which was bound to cause
some overlapping; thus, having the unfortunate scenario that each lover would
now arrive 30 minutes earlier than she had planned. She told “Trouble” that her husband
was outside, and that he needed to hide in the closet.
“Such As That”, was greeted at
the door, and while he suspected some concern on the Lady’s face, he was so
happy that he overlooked it. Again, as
she had with the first her first lover, she offered him a beer from the
refrigerator where she had stocked a case earlier during the day. “Such As That” began telling her
about his rough day, and how his wife was such a pain in the “you know
what” and how he had a good mind to send her packing back to her
mother. The farmer’s wife feigned interest
but was really distracted by the fact that she just knew that the 3rd lover
would be arriving soon.
As expected, the 3rd love,
named “Some One” showed up about 30 minutes later. The Farmer’s wife knew it would be him, but
again told “Such AS That” that it was her husband who was outside,
and that he needed to hide behind the Piano.
“Some One” was then let
in. He walked in the living room with a
big grin, not believing his good luck to be out on a Friday night without his
own wife knowing where he was. He told
his wife that he would be out with the “boys”.
It had been a long week and it was so pleasant to be able to “keep
company” with a woman as fine as the Farmer’s wife. He turned down the beer and opted for a swig
of corn liquor instead. He was grinning
ear to ear and telling her lies about how much money he was making, and how he
was going to be leaving his wife as soon as their last kid turns four. He was beginning to doubt that the last baby
was his anyway; not only did the little boy have nappy hair (peasy as it was
called); he was also turning out to be too dark to have even an iota of genes
from his “high yellow complected” family.
About 30 minutes later, to her very
surprise, there was a fourth person, which was truly unexpected, since she only
had three appointments. She heard a car
pulled into the yard, a door slammed shut, and then the visitor was walking
towards her house. She then drew back
the curtains, looked out of her window, and to her dismay, recognized her
husband, the famer, who was not supposed to be back until Saturday. She nervously, but quickly, told
“Someone” that he had to hide underneath the bed because this time,
truthfully, her husband was on the porch, much to her shock.
The Farmer walked in looking very
distraught. He sat down on the sofa with
his face resting in the palm of his hands.
Still worrying about his inability to get the loan and what might happen
to his farm, he finally confessed to his wife:
“Honey, I see trouble”!
“Trouble”, thinking that he
was being referred to, immediately jumped out of the closet, knocking down the
door and ran out of the house. The
Farmer, with great surprise, jumped up and said, “What was such as
“Such as That”, now thinking that
he was being referred to, jumped through the piano, ripping out the keys, and
crashed through the window. The Farmer then turned to his wife, and said
“honey, if you don’t tell me what’s going on up in here; I am going to
wind up killing “Some One”.
“Someone” immediately jumped
from underneath the bed, carrying the box-spring mattress, sheets, and the bed
spread as he sped out the door.
The wife then replied: “Oh, my poor
baby! Someone has been causing you so
much trouble such that I think you are beginning to hallucinate”.
The Traveler
By Jerome Pearson
September 2013
As a young boy in his home state of South Carolina, he had always wanted to travel, but rarely got the opportunity. His first time leaving the state was during the summer prior to entering the 6th grade. That trip would take him to Miami, and would only last a week. After that summer, he was required to write a story about how he spent his summer. He had lied, indicating that he had spent the entire summer in Miami, when it was actually just one week. He was thinking that spending the entire summer away was much more impressive than just one week. He had envied those who were privileged to spend the entire summer away. He could not do that. He had to work in the fields, pulling weeds out of cotton, and later, working in tobacco.
During those days schools in South Carolina would routinely open on the Thursday before Labor Day. Those who were away for the summer would most likely not begin school until the Tuesday following Labor Day since they would not return to South Carolina until the Labor Day weekend. You could tell who had been away for the summer by observing their absence during the first two days. Those students were held in high esteem once they did show up since they had spent the summer in Baltimore, Brooklyn, New Jersey, or Miami. When they returned to SC they would flaunt the latest fashions which would include such things as, new mini-skirts, hot pants, bell-bottoms pants, platform shoes and Converse All-Star sneakers. Over the next several weeks they would wear an air of superiority over those “lesser beings” that had to spend the entire summer working in the fields. As a matter of fact, everything that was considered “not South Carolina” was held in higher esteem back then. Even cars that displayed, for example, a New York license plate would be considered superior to the very same car that contained a SC license plate. During the holidays he and his friends would aggressively look for cars that would contain “off” license plates. He never knew where the word “off” came from, at least in the manner that is was being used. Someone from another state would be considered being from “off” or “up the road”. However, North Carolina did not count back then. If you came to SC with a North Carolina license plate, you would look like a runaway slave who, unfortunately, got caught before reaching freedom.
Regarding the new school year, he had once contemplated not showing up until the Tuesday as well, which would give the impression that he had been away for the entire summer. But he so loved school, and could not wait until the new school year to begin; skipping the first few days was not an option. In the meanwhile he could only travel through books, and as the saying goes, “through books he could travel around the globe without moving an inch.” His real traveling would only come many years later, and the places he would go were not necessarily the places those students had gone many years ago. He would, indeed, travel around the globe for real.
He arrived in Delhi, India on a Saturday evening in mid-August 2013. This would be his second time in India during the year and fourth time overall. Earlier this year he had flown to India and from there to Amsterdam. This time he would leave India, and then fly directly to Seoul, South Korea. After arriving in
India on that Saturday evening and spending one night at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Delhi, over the next several days he would reside in 3 additional hotels before returning back to the same Radisson Blu the following Thursday.
Returning to the Radisson Blu on that Thursday evening after a very eventful 4 hour train ride –which included an incident with smoke coming from one of the cabins in the train – he could finally relax over the next couple of days before leaving for South Korea.
On that Friday, he would be taken on a guided tour of some historical sites in and around Delhi. Saturday was quiet, but did include some time at the gym which was followed by much needed treatment within the hotel’s SPA. Following the treatment he could relax, and get ready for the next leg of his trip.
It was now Saturday evening. It had been a long, but exciting week. He was finally headed out. The hotel arranged a taxi to take him to the airport. His Asiana flight was due to leave Delhi, India for Seoul, South Korea at 2:a.m, very early Sunday morning. The trip from the hotel to the airport would be short – no need to worry about the chaotic driving he’d experienced during the week. He had survived another round of the craziness of driving in India. So far so good! However, he will be back. He always comes back to India, multiple times and multiple places. So many people, so many businesses! Why so many businesses in one of the poorest parts of the world? What is it about this country that attracts so many foreigners? Therein lay the question! If only he knew the answer!
About a mile from the airport, there was a traffic jam. Or was it an accident? Only in India could a 15 minute drive become a chore. This time, a truck has broken down, blocking traffic. Not too bad! The constant blowing of car horns! What would a car be like in India if its horn ceases working? The driver would probably be killed. Using the horn is the key to survival: to the driver himself, and also fellow drivers. Indians use their horns continuously; to alert fellow drivers that you are right behind and about to pass, don’t move over, or you could be killed, particularly if you are on a bike or motor-cycle. There appear to be no rules, and people frequently drive on what, in other places, would be considered the wrong side of the road; potential head-on collisions and near misses are rampant. But there is a deadly rhythm to driving here; everyone must stay on beat; one false move could mean death!
He arrived at the airport safely. The driver removed his luggage from the car. He was wondering should he tip, but in India, oftentimes the hotels include a tip in the fee they charge you for the taxi they have arranged. He did not tip – not this time! Upon arriving a week earlier, he had tipped the escort who guided him to the pre-arranged taxi, then at the hotel he tipped the taxi driver, and then inside the hotel, he tipped the agent who showed him to his room and showed him how to operate the various gadgets, and then the bellboy who brought his bags to the room. It was getting out of hand! In India he felt that everyone wanted something from him; that effusive graciousness and polite bowing of the head with palm on palm gesture did not come free.
The airport wasn’t so crowded this evening. He was happy for that. He would line-up in the business class queue for check-in; always the pleasure! There was a woman ahead of him arguing with one of the agents about something. He was wishing that she would just shut-up and move out of the way. Some
people continue to ask questions even when they already know the answer, just to spite those behind them. Since she was not getting her way, she wanted to make others suffer as well. He was finally called to another agent. The woman was still arguing. He would see this woman several times over next 10 hours. He had the unfortunate pleasure of having her on the same flight to Seoul. She would get into arguments with various people throughout the trip. She was acting like some kind of dignitary and wanted everyone to kneel before her. He would later notice her trying to cut into the Korean citizen’s check-in line at customs in Seoul. The line was shorter, but was for Korean citizens only. She was Indian, he thinks! But the agent told her to get back in the line for non-citizens; just like everyone else. He wanted to laugh at her! Who did she think she was? High and mighty! Serves her right, idiot!
After checking-in and retrieving his boarding pass, he would now go through security. There was no rush. The time was 11:30 pm; his flight does not leave until 2:10 a.m. Since 911 security in various places has gone over the top. What would he have to remove this time? America is obsessed with shoes and belts. India is obsessed with electronics. In India, he would only have to remove his computer, kindle, and cell phones. Shoes and belts can remain on. Why the difference: the shoe-bomber was coming to America when caught; therefore, America’s security has become obsessed with shoes. India does not care so much about shoes; one gets the impression that they just want to see the latest electronic gadgets that are available in the rest of the world.
After going through security, he headed for the lounge that was available for business class travelers. On his way he stopped by an airport bookshop. He wanted use his remaining rupees. Why take them to Korea, where he would need the KRW (won), or lastly to America, where only dollars count. He bought a book called the “White Tiger”, a satirical novel about India, written by an Indian writer who has studied in America, a graduate of Columbia, in NYC, just like his wife, Cecelia. After skimming the first few pages he knew he would want to read it. He needed to learn more about India since he has come and probably will come here often. He doesn’t usually buy physical books anymore, and has plenty to read on his Kindle, but he bought it anyway. He had actually seen the book in America, but this is the Indian version, he could tell by its cover. He would read it after reading the “Syndrome E”, a French novel that he was currently reading about “mass hysteria”. He has so much to read on his Kindle already. But a paperback can sometime come in handy, particularly on a plane, when you have to turn off “all electronics”, until the flight has sufficiently ascended. What he would do without books, he could not imagine! Books have been his one constant from the time he was first given one back in South Carolina many year ago. He has been blessed with the desire to read, for it is, indeed, a blessing to have a hobby that actually enhances one’s intellect and knowledge of the world. So many others have not been so blessed!
In the lounge, he selected white wine – no food this time, and started reading the paperback. Boarding time would be 1:40; he remained in the lounge until 1:15. Finally, it was time to leave, without looking at his ticket again, he headed toward gate #7, only to discover that he had read his ticket wrong; the ticket actually said gate 17. He has gone in the wrong direction. He wanted to kick himself for not being more meticulous. He wanted to be there when boarding was announced. But it was too late; boarding was announced as he was walking back up the long corridor. Lucky for him, he has a business class ticket, separate line. Those little blessings come in handy. He was one of the first to board, but it did
not matter, the plane would not be filled. Plus he was business class, plenty of room, no one sitting next to him, reclining seats, very plush.
His spirits were only dampened by the presence of that lady again, the one who started an argument at every turn, as if she was being persecuted by not being treated like a queen. Of all flights departing this evening, how did he wind up on the same flight as she? Of course she would be in business class too, but at least some distance behind him. He did not want to hear her arguing about the service, which she was destined to do; it was in her DNA.
This was his first time flying Asiana Airlines. He had heard great things about them; except for the mishap in San Francisco a few months prior where one of its planes, coming from Seoul, Korea, clipped the edge of the runway. We all make mistakes, and no airline has been faultless. It reminds him of Singapore Airlines, which he had flown several times, and was always impressed. The cute Flight Attendants, selected, he suspects, from amongst many candidates, could all be models, and perhaps were, in their own little way. They were quite different from the older International Flight Attendants he would see flying United from America.
The flight from Delhi to Seoul was very smooth. The 8 hours seemed to pass by fairly quickly. He could view the Airport as the plane was descending. His first impression was a state of neatness and modernity. There was no sense of chaos as everything appeared so neat and controlled. Before long he was walking towards customs. There were separate check-in lines for Korean citizen versus non-citizens. After going through customs, he did not have to wait on baggage since he was wise enough to not check anything. He stopped by the currency exchange and converted $100.00 US dollars to approximately 100,000 Korean KRW (Won).
He began searching for the driver who was scheduled to pick him up and take him to the hotel. There were so many people waiting with placards which showed the name of the person they were charged to receive. He finally saw his name, and gave the driver a thumbs-up. The driver grabbed his luggage and led him to the parking lot where a black on black Hyundai Genesis was waiting; top of the line Korean made car, rivaling the German BMW, as smooth as the Japanese Lexus. The driver had a cold bottled of water and ice-coffee waiting for him, both stored in the console that divided the plush leather back seats; they cruise out the airport parking lot, entered the freeway and headed towards Seoul. After the hectic week in India, the constant horns, the deadly driving, he was now able to sit back and marvel at the difference he was feeling now that he was in Seoul as opposed to Delhi. About an hour later, they were entering the City, and there are few city entrances more beautiful than entering Seoul, surrounded by the Han River, the wonderful bridges, and the sky scrapers that rivals those in the US.
Driving down the local streets in Seoul reminded him of certain cities in Europe and perhaps the US as well. Restaurants and Cafes were aplenty and there was this sense of elegant elitism pervading the scenery.
He would arrive at his address in Seoul, Lotte City MAPO Hotel, with its smooth marble-like surface, 8 floors, and 284 rooms, locate in the heart of the city with subway and underground-mall access from the lowest floor.
Check-in was quick and smooth and before long he was headed upstairs to his room on the 6 floor. His window faced the opposite side of the hotel, from which he could obtain a more voyeuristic view of the city and its inhabitants, and which also provided an excellent view of its overall horizons. He would unpack his clothing and, where applicable, hang them in the closet. After taking a shower, he could now relax on the bed and perhaps take a nap. He would read himself to sleep within a short time.
There is always a bit of apprehension when entering a foreign country for the first time; you want to ensure that you have all of the appropriate documents for entering, and that you would not be stranded at the airport as some other famous fellows now days. Thus far everything has been successful and gone off as planned: The trip from India, going through customs at the airport in Seoul, the drive into the city, and now finally in his room. In some ways he was feeling like a contract an assassin who has been sent on an important, secretive and deadly mission in a foreign country.
He would call Cecelia later since the 13 hours difference would put the US smack in its prime sleeping time of 3: AM. After napping for several hours, he was then able to call home and let everyone know that he has arrived safely and his initial impression of Seoul, Korea, of course all positives. He would describe his hotel and its surroundings, the sophisticated room, with its many gadgets and electronic devices. He would be given recommendations of potential site-seeing for the next couple of day since they did not involve meeting and would he have some time alone.
For dinner during the first several days, he would dine alone in the hotel’s restaurant called Naru which boasts an open-concept kitchen, and serves a buffet spread of Western dishes.
The next morning, he was able to use the gym before breakfast and was happy that he had included work-out clothing in luggage. Of course this made his luggage heavier than it could have been but it was certainly worth it, since the gym was nice, quiet and conveniently located on the 4th floor of the hotel.
After breakfast in the same restaurant, Naru, he began inquiring about potentially traveling to a wellregarded mall called Myeong-dong. Of course he could take a taxi or bus, but was told that the subway was more convenient. Hotel representative mapped out his directions which would include only one train transfer prior to his destination. In some countries, although you may not speak the language, you can still follow the name of places because the spelling may in some ways be similar to English. However, in Korea and perhaps China and Japan as well, you can’t even begin to analyze the beautifully scripted language which may look like this: 한국어/조선말,.
To say the very least, he was lost on more than one occasion. Although it was a challenge, it was certainly fun, and anyone he approached with a question went out of their way to help him as much as they could. Sometimes, he was reminded of that movie called, “Lost in Translation” because there was some evidence of that as well. At no time did he panic, and he is always one for a challenge. He made it to his destination and was finally in the midst of one the more wonderful shopping scenes he has ever experienced. This could have been New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. All of the name brands were there, to include Gucci, Nike, Reebok, FUBU, Coach, etc. This was an out-door mall with street front entrances, and on such a beautiful day, the atmosphere was electric. You could walk into a New
Balance store and hear the music of soul diva, Blue Cantrell’s “Breathe” pumping from the speakers as the salesman scrambled around the store from customer to customer.
He would take numerous pictures during the visit to include one of the McDonalds located on one of the busier streets. He would even have lunch there. He had been away from America for 10 days by now and he wanted something little less spicy than the Indian and Korean cuisines that had been his regalement for the past week. McDonalds was crowded and he could barely find a seat, and he could tell that so many others must have had similar ambitions. His verdict was that McDonalds in Seoul, Korea tastes just like McDonalds in America.
It was then time to get back on the metro and attempt his journey back to the hotel. If he had been a little confused during the trip form the hotel, this confusion was perhaps even doubled during his return trip. Lucky for him, two nice Korean women noticed his befuddlement and made every attempt to point him in the right direction. They would even have him get on the train with them, and he got the impression that they were altering their own route to ensure that he landed safely at his stop. When he was at his correct stop, with broken English, they informed him that this is where he should get off. They seemed so pleased with the opportunity of being such a Good Samaritan. He thanked them as best he could, and even though he could not speak their language, they surely knew from his smile and the appreciation shown in his eyes, that he was indeed thankful. When he later told this story to his wife, she laughingly said, “I think those two ladies will be coming back for you!”
Over the next several days he was joined at the hotel with colleagues and would visit their supplier which located nearly an hour way from Seoul. Each night, they would all go to dinner in some of the best restaurants in the city including the famous Korean barbeque places.
He would leave Seoul, Korea the following Friday which would be 2 weeks from the Friday he left Newark, NJ to Delhi, India. His Asiana flight would leave Seoul at 10:a.m on Friday morning, 30 August 2013, and he would arrive in New York at 11:a.m on Friday morning being that Korea is 13 hours ahead of the U.S. As he was about to board the plane in Seoul, he was informed that he was being upgraded from Business Class to First Class.
First Class on Asiana Airlines would turn out to be perhaps his most enjoyable flying experiences. Not only did he have seat that would recline like a bed, but he also had a sliding door to his compartment. He had enough room in his compartment to actually change into the silk pajamas that were provided by the airline. It was like flying in your own little bed room and the 14 hour flight could not have been more pleasant.
As he flew back to America on Asiana airlines, he began to remember those Labor Day weekends when he was kid in South Carolina many years ago. He could not imagine back then that while he was never fortunate enough to be one of those students who would arrive back home during Labor Day weekend, it was perhaps because of the very fact that he spent those summers in the fields, he would learn the discipline and patience that would lead him down that very long and exciting road that would make it possible for him to return home, not just from Brooklyn, Baltimore, and Miami, but perhaps, also, from India and South Korea first class on a Boeing 320 Airbus.
The old dirt road ran curvaceously along side miles of pine
forest in the heart of Carolina. The
wind blew incessantly, and if one were to listen closely, a sweet and soothing
melody could be heard from the pines as they courted the wind.
John Morris drove his old beat-up pickup truck down this road
one day, trying to find an old graveyard that had been rumored to contain the
bodies of his great grandfather and grandmother, both of whom were borne
towards the end of legal slavery. It was
a graveyard that had a legend for being the resting place of the ancestors of
many of the town’s members, who died in a massacre immediately following emancipation. The massacre resulted when many men and women
insisted on their freedom, and who were met with the batons and blows of the
confederacy. In this graveyard, it is
also rumored that those former slaves never died but have established a new
community smack in the middle of the forest.
A trail of dust followed the old truck and John could barely
see behind. In the passenger seat sat
John’s adventurous girlfriend, Lillie Mae Dingle. They had decided that since they didn’t have
to work in the fields on this beautiful Friday, it was an ideal time for the
two of them to finally go on that long and dreary search that had excited most
of the town’s folks since the days of slavery.
It is said that many people have attempted to undertake this perilous journey
but have been too afraid to go all the way.
“All the way” is a rather nebulous description since the exact
location of the graveyard is not known.
John enjoyed the way the old truck handled on the soft, dusty,
white sand as he drove for what seemed like eternity. Lillie Mae had been joking with him about the
possibility of their being captured by a ghost or an evil spirit and never
returned. As John drove deeper and
deeper into the forest, he began to suspect that there might be some merit to
Lillie Mae’s joking. It had crossed his
mind that they could even be captured by their own ancestors. This is not an
unusual feeling, for even though we long to see the dead again, we still are,
strangely, afraid of them. Or, perhaps,
we are afraid of the unknown.
After driving further, the road suddenly changed and showed
evidence of being less traveled.
Although the basic design remained, it was evident, from the weeds and
brushes that this portion of the road was hardly ever used. John decided to stop for a while to get
re-oriented. He had been told by others
that the road would change at a point, but he was unclear as to when this
change was to occur.
“So, are you scared yet”, he asked Lillie Mae who
promptly replied, “just a little; but because we have come as far as this,
we may as well continue.”
“Good”, John stated, “Cause no way I’m going to turn
around now anyhow, especially after waiting for this opportunity for all these
years.” Within seconds the truck
was on its way again.
The pine trees were lined so neatly that you’d think they were
soldiers in formation awaiting inspection by a senior commander. It was almost 1pm when they decided to stop
and have lunch. Lillie Mae had prepared
peanut butter and cheese sandwiches which were to be washed down with royal
crown cola. They ate lunch on an old
army blanket which did little to keep the small red ants from crawling all over
their bodies.
John was just finishing his third peanut butter sandwich when
he noticed what looked like a black coach-whip snake peeking from behind a pine
tree. Coach-whips, called
“Tracers” by many, get their name from the fact that they resemble a
black whip. Many people believe that
they can stand upright and run on small feet like a man. When they run you down, which they inevitably
do, they wrap their bodies around you like a rope and choke you to death.
John became a bit uneasy, but upon closer examination, he
realized that what he’d seen was not a Coach-whip, but a very thin black man
who was beckoning them in his direction.
“Who are you?” John asked.
There was no reply. The beckoning
continued. Lillie Mae held onto John’s
arm. John was hesitant, but there was
something familiar that kept John moving in the man’s direction.
and Lillie Mae followed the man as if in a trance. Although they were somewhat frightened, they
could no more turn around than they could stop the sun from shinning. The man would turn around every few seconds
to see if they were still following, but he always kept his distance.
they had followed the man for nearly one hour, the sun suddenly
disappeared. It didn’t become dark, but
there was no day light either. It looked
like early dawn. Suddenly, John
realized that Lillie Mae’s clothes had turned to rags. He then noticed that his clothes had also changed
and were now rags and his shoes were too big and had several holes. In fact, they both were now dressed like the
man they were following.
they heard the dogs, and knew, instinctively, that they had to run; they were
being hunted down by the slave masters. John’s mind began to play tricks on
him. He couldn’t determine if he was
living in the future and dreaming about the past, or if he was living in the
past and dreaming about the future, or if the past and future were one and the
When my wife first told me that she wanted to travel to my
hometown in South Carolina to see the Eclipse I thought she was crazy! We had just been to SC back in the middle of
July to attend a wedding and going back within a few weeks to see a 3 minutes
eclipse was the last thing on my mind. Sometimes
rather than verbalizing an entire sentence regarding her interest, she would
just walk past me in the house and utter the word “ECLIPSE!” I was beginning to realize that she was being deadly
Cecelia is a big science fiction fan! She reads science
fiction and she drag me to all those movies.
When we are sitting in the theater, and whenever an advertisement for an
upcoming Science Fiction film is previewed, I get an immediate sense of doom, realizing
that punishment is in my near future. In order to ameliorate this doom, I sometimes
I become proactive, and tell her, “Let just go and get it over with”; in that
way, I can lessen the duration of the upcoming pain.
Once we do attend such movies, and on those occasions when
she would to leave the theater for the lady’s room, upon returning her first
question to me is: “What happened?” Not only am I being punished, but I am also
being evaluated on the inner details of my punishment! This would now require that I invest more
effort into remaining awake during her absence!
You see I can recall the eclipse from May 1967. I don’t recall what it was called, total,
partial, solar, but I do recall it getting as dark as night. We knew it was coming and it was nice to see,
but I never thought much of it. It was
just exciting to seeing darkness in the day time. It was certainly eerie though, and many folks
in my community thought that the world was coming to an end. What else could be the explanation?
In the end I finally relented and decided to accompany
Cecelia and a friend from college to South Carolina. We would spend a couples
nights with my uncle who recently relocated to Manning from Miami. This was very convenient for us because there
were no hotels available. Manning, South Carolina was one of those lucky areas
that found itself in the “eye of the storm” as it were. It seems that for once, South Carolina was
the destination for folks on the East Coast.
Therefore, we left New Jersey for South Carolina very early
Sunday morning. We even decided to bring
our little dog, Sammy, to SC for the first time. He loves riding in cars, and
this would be his longest ride ever. Leaving very early Sunday morning, we did
not experience much traffic until we got to North Carolina. In all my years of driving through North
Carolina, I have never experienced traffic jams as we did on the day before the
eclipse. At one point, our GPS even had
us get off I95 for about 10 miles, and guided us down what seems to be a one
lane high way which had no name. I have
never had to take an alternate route when traveling to South Carolina. But this
Sunday was different!
We arrived in Manning SC at around 5pm on Sunday
afternoon. We had dinner at Shoneys in
Manning out on 261. There weren’t many choices unless we drove to Sumter, and
after driving for over 12 hours, we wanted something a bit more
convenient. As I mentioned earlier, we
also accompanied one of our dearest friends who now lives in New York and who
had been Cecelia’s friend since their college days. This was Silvia’s first time in my hometown,
so I wanted her to really see where I was from. After dinner we drove to Davis
Station. After arriving in the big DS, I
drove in the direction of my childhood home which is located behind New Light
Baptist Church.
As we were arriving near the church, we noticed ambulances
and police cars lined up at the edge of field that was abutted against a wooded
area. Of course, we would be curious
about what was going on. After all, this
was near my childhood home, so obviously I would be interested in what was
happening. I made a U-turn and asked one
of the several onlookers what was going on.
One guy I recognized immediately and was able to learn that a body had been
found. I would later learn that it was
the body of someone who had been missing for several days and was accidentally
found by a Preacher walking along the wooded area. A couple of days later I realized that the deceased
was an individual that was listed as “missing” on my Facebook just a few days
earlier. Out of respect for the family, I will not list a name.
After our visit to Davis Station, we returned to back to my
uncle’s home. It had been a very long
day, and after showers we all went to bed, anticipation the Eclipse the next
Monday morning was hot and humid. After giving Sammy his morning walk, we all
went to Breakfast at the Huddle House, also on highway 261. Since moving back to South Carolina, the
Huddle House has become my uncle’s favorite place for breakfast. All the waitresses know and like him! After
breakfast we returned to my uncle’s home for some relaxation and continued
preparations for the eclipse.
At around 11am we
went to the local Walmart to get some items for lunch since Eclipse was would
be happening shortly after lunch. After
arriving at the Walmart, I was surprised to see the number of cars in the
parking lot. Folks were staking their
places. Some folks had put up tents, and
some had apparently been in the lot for the entire night. The entire scene
appeared festive, and one would think that a football game was about to happen
with all the tailgating. It was very hot and humid, and we were so
fortunate to being staying with a relative, as opposed to being exposed to the
temperature in a parking lot. I was informed by Bobby and Sherial that the park
near their home was absolutely packed.
Inside the Walmart people were buying up all the goodies they could
scavenge. Picnic foods such as Fried
chicken and potato salad were flying off the shelves.
The Eclipse was expected to hit our area at approximately
2:40 PM. Cecelia rushed through her
lunch and ran outside early. She was so
excited that the very hot temperature was only secondary in her mind. She
didn’t want to waste time eating chicken wings, particularly after having ridden
more than 12 hours to see the eclipses. She could see that they were
celebrating totality in Missouri; therefore, she went outside knowing that the
eclipse would initiate shortly after 1pm in our area and you could see it
beginning to happen on the east coast.
She was fascinated with the speed with which it was happening with a
speed of nearly 1200 miles per hour.
Later we were all outside, using our glassed of course. It
was exciting looking at the moon’s obit as it began to hide the sun. As the eclipse was happening you could
recognize a gradual drop in the temperature.
As the transition was occurring the atmosphere took on a hazy look and
finally had a twilight effect. With our
glasses we could see the percent change as the moon was hiding 50% of the sun,
then 75%, and finally total. You could
hear crickets chirping in the dark!
It was one of those rare times in our country when there was
a sense of community! We realized that
we are all part of the one universe! We
also realized the importance of science; the fact that we can predict these
Our understanding of the world is likened to grain of sand
on an expansive beach. There is so much we don’t know and will never know!
Perhaps experiencing the eclipse humbles us and reminds us
that we are only minor players in a vast universe. Perhaps the ultimate mysteries of the world
will never be known.
The Sun is our closest star!
It is approximately 93,000,000 miles away. The Moon is much closer at 240,000 miles
away. Scientists tell us that there are many suns and perhaps many moons and
many planets.
The moon happens to be our moon!
The Sun happens to be our Sun!
The Earth happens to be our planet!
The eclipse is an alignment of the three, if ever so
On Monday 18 April 2016, I flew from Newark, New Jersey to Akron, Ohio for a business trip. The flight option I selected required that I travel from Newark, New Jersey to Detroit, Michigan, and then a brief flight from Detroit to Akron. After arriving in Akron, I rented a car and drove to the Cambria Suites Hotel located near the airport.
Later that day I dined at a local restaurant that was recommended by the hotel. After dinner I decided to use my smart phone to find the nearest Barnes & Nobel Bookstore. My search showed that the nearest Barnes & Nobel was approximately 20 miles away in another part of Akron. I am a lover of books and would, naturally, be a lover of Bookstores; one of my most frequent pastimes is finding a book store, selecting a few books to skim, and sitting in the café with a cup coffee as I skim the books I have selected. If there is a book that I want to follow-up on, I would record the details in my phone.
I arrived at the Barnes & Nobel and could immediately tell that it was larger than most. This was great to know me because it could possibly mean that it would have a greater selection. I always peruse the “New Fiction Book” section to see if there is something new that sparks my interest. These books are located at the beginning of the fiction section and are in alphabetical order by author. Obviously, if I see a book by an author I recognize and like, I may select that particular book. Other books are selected if the title or its appearance intrigues me. Before I take a book back to the café, I will try to ascertain what it is about by reading information on the Jacket. I also take a look at the first page and read a few sentences.
I usually take several books with me to the Café. I do this because I am usually interested in more than one, and if for some reason I am disappointed with one, I have others to review without having to return to the “New Fiction Books” section.
On this particular day, I started my perusal of new books as they were stored alphabetically. When I got to the letter “O”, I saw the name “Helen Oyeyemi”. Another thing that causes me to take a closer look is the writer’s name. Her last name appeared “African” to me, so I pulled the book out its slot which was titled “What is not yours, is not yours!” In this case both the author’s name and the book’s title intrigued me. As I read the Jacket I was able to learn that she was actually British. Being a Black Briton would mean that her family likely came from Africa to England at some point over the last 50 years. She is brown complexion, has friendly smile, with long braids or perhaps braided extensions.
I sat in the Café and skimmed Helen Oyeyemi’s book as well as several others. However, I was more interested Helen’s book and before leaving I made sure to record her name and the title of her book in my phone for follow-up. When I returned to the hotel I was be able to read about her book on Amazon; I learned that she has written several books, with her first at the age of 18. She was being compared to Edgar Allan Poe as well as to my current favorite Japanese writer, Haruki Murakami.
I spent the next day with the supplier, which was the primary reason for my visit to Ohio. At several points during that day I would think about Helen’s book and decided that I would return to that same bookstore later that day to read some more.
I returned to Barnes & Nobel on that Tuesday evening, and went back to the “New Fiction Books” section to retrieve Helen’s book. I was able to find two other books by her. I took all 3 with me to the café downstairs. All of her books appeared interesting to me and I decided I would start with a book she published in 2012 titled “Boy, Snow, Bird.” When I returned to my hotel room on that Tuesday evening, I decided to purchase “Boy, Snow, Bird” and had it downloaded on my Kindle.
The next day, Wednesday, I reversed my trip, traveling from Akron, Ohio to Detroit, Michigan, and from Detroit back to New Jersey. The trip from Akron to Detroit would be short; therefore, I chose not to take my Kindle out of my brief case. I knew I would be reading during the trip from Detroit to Newark since that was a longer flight.
There was a short turn around in Detroit so I had to get to my gate pretty quickly after arriving in Detroit. My flight would arrive in Detroit at approximately 1110 and the next flight was departing at 1210. However, because I knew that I would not be arriving in Newark until nearly 2pm; I need to either eat lunch before getting on the plane, or buy lunch to later eat during the flight. I saw a MacDonald’s Restaurant which would allow me to order something quickly and take it with me on the flight or eat at the gate immediately before the flight. I arrived at the gate nearly 10 minutes before boarding. The burger was nasty and contained onions which I specifically asked them not to include. I removed the onions and nearly choked wolfing the burger down in a few bites!
I boarded the plane and took my selected seat: 13C. 13 C is an aisle seat which is what I prefer. This was a smaller plane so I was hoping that no one would be sitting next to me in seat 13D. I started reading “Boy, Snow, Bird” as other passengers were boarding. I kept looking at the other passengers boarding, hoping that no one would take the seat next to me. I wanted to be comfortable as I was reading. As the plane was filling up I was beginning to feel lucky because so far no one had taken the seat next to me.
All of sudden more passengers started arriving. I kept looking at the various passengers now boarding, still hoping that no one would take the seat next to me since the seats were so small! However, I kept my eyes down reading the book on my Kindle.
Finally there was a passenger standing next to me indicating that she has the window seat. I looked up! Suddenly, I was beginning to feel as if I had just been dreaming! I looked at the young lady, almost in a state of shock! I said, “You look so familiar!”
Before she could take her seat next to me, I said: “Are you a writer?” With her British accent, she said “Yes!” I said this is truly unreal! Here I am about to read your book and here you are about to sit right next to me!” The strange thing is that I only learned of you just a couple of days ago!”
Yes, reader, you may have guessed it! The person sitting next to me on the plane was Helen Oyeyemi, the British writer who I had only discovered in the Barnes & Nobel bookstore just a few days ago. Although I had only seen her face on the cover of the books I skimmed in the CAFÉ the evening before, I recognized her immediately!
This was a business trip for me! When we plan our domestic flights, we actually go onto our company’s travel site to plan our trips by selecting everything from the flight we will be taking, the rental car, hotel, etc. I had only planned this particular trip the previous week. During my selection process, I was given the option of selecting a seat from those that were available. For my trip from Detroit back to Newark, I selected 13C! A few days later, I would go to a Bookstore in a town I had never visited. I would select a book to read by a writer I had never heard of; this writer is actually from England and of African Descent. The seat I selected for the last leg of my trip, would be right next to that author whose book I was about to read. I showed her the page I was reading which confirmed that I was actually reading her book! She said, “Well, I have a more recent one, which is better!” I said this is truly amazing that only the night before, “I am sitting in a bookstore café with 3 books, all of which were yours!”
Helen Oyeyemi told me that she was on her way to New York for a reading. She is now a writer in Residence at the University of Kentucky, and was doing a book tour. After New York she was on her way to Washington, DC for another reading at a bookstore called “Politics and Prose”, a bookstore that I have visited several times at the courtesy of my wife who is also from DC.
I told her about my job and how much traveling I do. I showed her a list of books I have on my kindle and how important books are to me. She asked if had always liked reading, and I told her I did, and that I even try to write a bit. She told me that after completing her residency at the University of Kentucky, she will spend several months in Seoul, South Korea, which is one of her favorite cities. I told her that I had been to Seoul once and liked it. I would later learn that she was actually born in Nigeria and moved to England at a very young age with her parents.
But even today I am still in a state of wonder! What is the likely hood of discovering a new foreign writer, and within two days having that person sit next to you on such a small flight?
As we were getting off the plane, I said “it was certainly nice meeting you”, and she said “likewise!”
I then said we should both write a short story about this rather strange coincidence! She smiled and said, “Perhaps we should!”